What is Quinoa?

Rick Pedrosa is an expert mortgage lender with experience as the president and owner of LendMe Mortgage, LLC, in Miami, Florida. A committed family man, Rick Pedrosa enjoys cooking healthy foods such as salmon and quinoa.

Quinoa is a type of grain-like seed that is sometimes referred to as a pseudo-cereal or pseudo-oilseed. A staple food of ancient civilizations in South America, quinoa is highly nutritious. Also known as the golden grain of the Andes, quinoa contains high amounts of protein, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. 

Quinoa generally takes between 160-180 days to grow, and is primarily grown in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador. However, variants of quinoa have been grown successfully in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. There are currently over 3,000 varieties of cultivated and wild quinoa in existence which do well in different zones and climates. Quinoa is known for its hardiness and ability to thrive, making it an ideal food source. In addition to these benefits, quinoa is environmentally friendly due to its efficient use of water.