Mortgage lender and specialist Rick Pedrosa focuses on managing real estate projects in Florida. During his personal time, Rick Pedrosa keeps busy by preparing clean and healthy food for his family. But what exactly is clean eating?
Clean eating refers to eating a minimum of processed food. With modern food production, clean eating has become more of a challenge, since most individuals lack the time and knowledge to prepare healthy, all-natural meals. To adopt this lifestyle, the first step is to limit processed foods. Although sometimes cheaper and quicker to prepare, these canned and preserved goods are packed with sodium and sugar, which in excess are harmful to the body. An easy way of identifying processed foods is by reading the label. If some of the ingredients listed are unfamiliar, they are likely to be synthetic.
Reducing alcohol intake and mixed drinks high in sugar is also part of clean eating. The maximum recommended daily alcohol consumption for women is one drink, and two drinks for men.
Incorporating vegetables and whole grains into daily meals can help the body absorb more vitamins and nutrients. Eating carrots as a snack or replacing one meal with a fresh salad are small steps anyone can take to start clean eating.